
type ContractPrice

    int pairId,
    String marketPrice,


  • pairId: The contract pair id defined by zkLink.

  • marketPrice: The market price of the contract pair

type SpotPriceInfo

    int tokenId,
    String price,


  • tokenId: The token id defined by zkLink.

  • price: The spot price of the token.

type Contract

The Contract struct of taker and maker in perpetual contract.

    int accountId,
    int subAccountId,
    int slotId,
    int nonce,
    int pairId,
    String size,
    String price,
    bool direction,
    int makerFeeRate,
    int takerFeeRate,
    bool hasSubsidy,

func sign

void sign(ZkLinkSigner zkLinkSigner)

Sign contract with given ZkLinkSigner

func toJson

String toJson()

Get the json str of Contract

type ContractMatching

ContractMatching transaction type.

    int accountId,
    int subAccountId,
    Contract taker,
    List<Contract> maker,
    String fee,
    int feeToken,
    List<ContractPrice> contractPrices,
    List<SpotPriceInfo> marginPrices,

func sign

void sign(ZkLinkSigner zkLinkSigner)

Sign transaction with given ZkLinkSigner

func toJson

String toJson()

Get the json str of ContractMatching

Last updated