
func isTokenAmountPackable

func IsTokenAmountPackable(amount BigUint) bool

Checks whether the token amount can be packed (and thus used in the transaction)

func isFeeAmountPackable

func IsFeeAmountPackable(fee BigUint) bool

Checks whether the fee amount can be packed (and thus used in the transaction)

func closestPackableTokenAmount

func ClosestPackableTokenAmount(amount BigUint) BigUint

Returns the closest possible packable token amount. Returned amount is always less or equal to the provided amount.

func closestPackableFeeAmount

func ClosestPackableFeeAmount(fee BigUint) BigUint

Returns the closest possible packable fee amount. Returned amount is always less or equal to the provided amount.


amount := *big.NewInt(1234567899808787)
fmt.Println("Original amount: ", amount)
amount = sdk.ClosestPackableTokenAmount(amount)
fmt.Println("Converted amount:s", amount)
fee := *big.NewInt(10000567777)
fmt.Println("Original fee: ", fee)
fee = sdk.ClosestPackableFeeAmount(fee)
fmt.Println("Converted fee: ", fee)

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