

type ContractPrice struct {
    PairId      PairId
    MarketPrice BigUint
  • PairId: The contract pair id defined by zkLink.

  • MarketPrice: The market price of the contract pair


type SpotPriceInfo struct {
	TokenId TokenId
	Price   BigUint
  • TokenId: The token id defined by zkLink.

  • price: The spot price of the token.

type Order

The spot order type of taker and maker. it's a opaque data type.

func NewOrder

func NewOrder(
    accountId AccountId,
    subAccountId SubAccountId,
    slotId SlotId,
    nonce Nonce,
    baseTokenId TokenId,
    quoteTokenId TokenId,
    amount BigUint,
    price BigUint,
    isSell bool,
    hasSubsidy bool,
    makerFeeRate uint8,
    takerFeeRate uint8,
    signature *ZkLinkSignature
) *Order

Create a new Order.


  • accountId: the user account id

  • subAccountId: the user sub account id

  • slotId: the slot id of order

  • nonce: the nonce of user account

  • baseTokenId: the token id of the base token of trade pair, for example, "BTC" token id of "BTCUSDT" pair

  • quoteTokenId: the token id of the quote token of trade pari, for example, "USDT" token id of "BTCUSDT" pair

  • amount: the amount of base token

  • price: the price of base token

  • isSell: sell token or not

  • hasSubsidy: subsidy only works for maker and makerFeeRate

  • makeFeeRate: the fee maker rate, 100 means 1%, max is 2.56%

  • takerFeeRate: the fee taker rate, 100 means 1%, max is 2.56%

  • signature: optional, the L3 signature of the Order

func (*Order) GetSignature

func (*Order) GetSignature() ZkLinkSignature

Get the L3 signature of the Order

func (*Order) GetSignature

func (*Order) GetSignature() ZkLinkSignature {

Get the Order signature.

func (*Order) GetBytes

func (*Order) GetBytes() []uint8

Get the encoded bytes to create the L3 signature.

func *Order) JsonStr

func (*Order) JsonStr() string

Get the json string of the Order.

func (*Order) IsValid

func (*Order) IsValid() bool

Check if the Order is valid or not.

func (*Order) IsSignatureValid

func (*Order) IsSignatureValid() bool

Check if the L3 signature is valid or not.

func (*Order) CreateSignedOrder

func (*Order) CreateSignedOrder(zklinkSigner *ZkLinkSigner) (*Order, error)

Returns a new order with L3 signature.



type OrderMatchingBuilder struct {
    AccountId         AccountId
    SubAccountId      SubAccountId
    Taker             *Order
    Maker             *Order
    Fee               BigUint
    FeeToken          TokenId
    ContractPrices    []ContractPrice
    MarginPrices      []SpotPriceInfo
    ExpectBaseAmount  BigUint
    ExpectQuoteAmount BigUint

The builder is used to bo build OrderMatching transaction.

type OrderMatching

OrderMatching transaction type, it's a opaque data type.

func NewOrderMatching

func NewOrderMatching(builder OrderMatchingBuilder) *OrderMatching

Create a new OrderMatching transaction.

func (*OrderMatching) GetBytes

func (*OrderMatching) GetBytes() []uint8

Get the encoded bytes used to create the L3 signature.

func (*OrderMatching) TxHash() []uint8

func (*OrderMatching) TxHash() []uint8

Get the transaction hash of OrderMatching transaction.

func (*OrderMatching) JsonStr

func (*OrderMatching) JsonStr() string

Get the json string of the OrderMatching transaction.

func (*OrderMatching) IsValid() bool

func (*OrderMatching) IsValid() bool

Check if all the fields in OrderMatching are valid. For example, if the ChainId is exceeded the maximum ChainId, it will return false.

func (*OrderMatching) CreateSignedTx

func (*OrderMatching) CreateSignedTx(signer *ZkLinkSigner) (*OrderMatching, error)

Sign the Transfer transaction with the ZkLinkSigner, L1 signature and L3 signature will be created.


func (*OrderMatching) GetSignature

func (*OrderMatching) GetSignature() ZkLinkSignature

Get the L3 signature of OrderMatching transaction.

func (*OrderMatching) IsSignatureValid

func (*OrderMatching) IsSignatureValid() bool

Check if the L3 signature in the transaction is valid or not.

func (*OrderMatching) ToZklinkTx

func (*OrderMatching) ToZklinkTx() ZkLinkTx

Change the transaction to the ZkLinkTx

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